

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Agony of Defeat

Okay, maybe I'm being dramatic (that's not really a stretch for me). Although I'm sad I didn't final in the Golden Heart, I know the competition was pretty darn stiff, so I can't be too upset. It was my first time entering, and I'm hoping to get some useful feedback on my manuscript, so its not a loss.

And on the plus side, I am very excited about an older ms I've dusted off and taken in a new direction. It's one I've always felt passionate about, so I made some revisions (okay, a LOT of revisions) and sent a partial in to Harlequin's new Heartwarming line. I think it would be a perfect fit for that line. And while I'm waitng on that submission, I have a few contests I plan to enter with this story. So all is not lost. In fact, I kind of feel like the best is yet to come.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

2013...Making it Count

I've decided. This is the year. 2013 is the year I'm going to stop fiddling around and get serious about this writing business. So at the end of 2012, I sent off a requested partial. Not bad, right. It gets better.

On the day before I left on my New Year's day trip to sunny Florida, I submitted my entry for the Golden Heart! This is a first for me. I'm so excited, nervous, anxious, terrified...

You get the idea.

Did anyone else enter? Wanna hold hands and stop each other from biting our nails into ugly little nubs?