

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my thirty--grumble, grumble--th birthday. At least it's a beautiful day here in southern Ontario...helps take some of the sting out. We're having a quiet day here, taking my daughter to a dance recital rehearsal, having a few family members over for dinner, and maybe end the day with a bit of writing. My DH's gift to me was a mini portable PC that I can take to a coffee shop, while waiting for DD at dance class, anywhere really. Hope to try it out at the local Tim Horton's tonight.

Does he know me or what?


Judy Jarvie said...

Happy Birthday Marcy - and may it be a year of much writing creativity! Yey on dh's gift, what a lovely thoughtful present jx

Marcy said...

Thanks, Jude! Hope you had a great vacation. Can't wait to hear all about it.


Natalie Anderson said...

Hope you had a great day Marcy - yay on the gift - sounds perfect!