

Friday, August 21, 2009

It's Official...

I didn't final in the Golden Opportunity contest. I did come in 6th out of 17 and got some great feedback, which is worth it's weight in gold. Once I'm finished with the first draft, I'll go back and revise the first chapter keeping those comments in mind. Hopefully it'll make my ms even stronger.

Onward and upward, right? It's all we can do.


Becca said...

6th is GREAT!
I didn't final either but got some great comments from one of the judges.
Here's to improving even more and we'll both final next time!

Marcy said...

Hi Becca! Did you enter the Golden Opportunity Contest too? I did get some great, useful comments too, so it was all worthwhile.

Congrats on the 2nd place in the Emmy. That's fantastic! Are you waiting on any other contests?

Becca said...

Yep I did.

Am looking at entering one that closes in a few days - 1st 10 pages i think.

Am editing at the moment and struggling to work out what to change. I don't think i do he world's greatest starts but I'm hoping contest feedback will help!


Are you entering any others?